It has been proven through a short study, I conducted, that writing down your goals on paper will increase your odds of achieving them. How many times have you written down a list of things to do?
Don't you feel amazing when you have crossed off everything on that list? What was the likely hood of you completing that list had it only been a mental list? As I move about my day I am constantly writing down everything in my journal. Things I jot down do not always get accomplished on the day that I write them down, yet when I look back at my notes or list I am reminded that I had intentions of getting something done. Nine times out of ten these intentions of completing whatever it was will lead me to something even more fruitful and beneficial.
Pen to paper is the first step in accomplishing ones goals. Accomplishing goals don't start and end at writing them down. There are other steps that are significant to meeting the end goal, which we will discuss at a later time. But let's start here. Take out a sheet of paper and write down a few goals, things you want to do, somewhere you want to go, or an amount of money you want to save?
Now that I think about it I have been eyeing this very expensive designer bag and pair of shoes for a while now. So I’m going along on the ride with you!
Hello, World!